
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Rice component of AfDB SARD-SC project reviewed
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
An in-depth discussion involving the African Development Bank (AfDB) delegation, AfricaRice and INRAB researchers, actors of the rice value chain engaged in the AfDB-funded project on CGIAR-Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (SARD-SC) was held during the project mid-term review meeting, 5-6 May 2015, at AfricaRice, Cotonou, Benin.
Dr Samuel Bruce-Oliver, AfricaRice Director of Partnerships and Capacity Strengthening Dr Samuel Bruce-Oliver delivered the opening remarks on behalf of AfricaRice Director General Dr Harold Roy-Macauley at the SARD-SC Review Meeting. Dr Bruce-Oliver underlined that the SARD-SC project is extremely important for AfricaRice and that it has the full support of the AfricaRice management. "Thanks to the SARD-SC project, promising rice tools, technologies and innovations have been developed and the priority now is to put them in the hands of the end-users. We also need to ensure that the innovation platforms function very well within the rice value chain." (Listen to the audio)
Participants included members of the AfDB delegation comprising Dr Ibrahim Amadou, Task Manager, Mr Mohamed Usman, Principal Procurement Manager, Abbah Jafar, Principal Disbursement Manager), SARD-SC Project Coordinator Dr Chris Akem, Coordinator of the rice component of the SARD-SC project Dr Sidi Sanyang, INRAB Focal Points of Rice Task Force and coordinator of Africa Rice Task Forces as well as representatives of rice millers, parboilers, traders, extension workers, micro-credit organization, farmers, seed producers, equipment services, fabricators and officials.
Dr Sidi Sanyang made a presentation on the ‘Highlights of achievements and perspectives of the rice value chain’ (see PowerPoint presentation), which was followed by presentations on baseline report, procurement and finance. The AfDB perspectives on fine-tuning the project represented a major highlight of the program.
The delegation had a guided tour of the rice parboiling demonstration by women rice processors from the Glazoué Rice Hub in Benin and the postharvest machinery section of AfricaRice.
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