
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for 2019
This is an annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky who served as agronomist at AfricaRice. The Carsky Award is conferred on staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made exceptional contributions to rice research, training and research support. Two awards are given every year, one to an Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) and the other to a General Support Staff (GSS).
Dr Gaudiose Mujawamariya, and Rice Value Chain Expert and Gender Focal Point, who also serves as AfricaRice Representative in Madagascar received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for IRS on 11 April at the 45th Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé, Côte d’Ivoire. She received this prestigious award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to rice research in Africa, especially relating to rice value chain in Eastern Africa and her ongoing work on integrating gender in AfricaRice research. She has also contributed significantly to building strategic partnerships and resource mobilization efforts.
Mr Sanogo Fassouma, Senior Translator at AfricaRice, received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for GSS for his outstanding support to AfricaRice translation service, strong commitment, trustworthiness, sense of responsibility and hard work.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky handed over the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners in the presence of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees and staff members.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for 2019
This is an annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky who served as agronomist at AfricaRice. The Carsky Award is conferred on staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made exceptional contributions to rice research, training and research support. Two awards are given every year, one to an Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) and the other to a General Support Staff (GSS).
Dr Gaudiose Mujawamariya, and Rice Value Chain Expert and Gender Focal Point, who also serves as AfricaRice Representative in Madagascar received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for IRS on 11 April at the 45th Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé, Côte d’Ivoire. She received this prestigious award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to rice research in Africa, especially relating to rice value chain in Eastern Africa and her ongoing work on integrating gender in AfricaRice research. She has also contributed significantly to building strategic partnerships and resource mobilization efforts.
Mr Sanogo Fassouma, Senior Translator at AfricaRice, received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for GSS for his outstanding support to AfricaRice translation service, strong commitment, trustworthiness, sense of responsibility and hard work.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky handed over the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners in the presence of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees and staff members.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for 2019
This is an annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky who served as agronomist at AfricaRice. The Carsky Award is conferred on staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made exceptional contributions to rice research, training and research support. Two awards are given every year, one to an Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) and the other to a General Support Staff (GSS).
Dr Gaudiose Mujawamariya, and Rice Value Chain Expert and Gender Focal Point, who also serves as AfricaRice Representative in Madagascar received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for IRS on 11 April at the 45th Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé, Côte d’Ivoire. She received this prestigious award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to rice research in Africa, especially relating to rice value chain in Eastern Africa and her ongoing work on integrating gender in AfricaRice research. She has also contributed significantly to building strategic partnerships and resource mobilization efforts.
Mr Sanogo Fassouma, Senior Translator at AfricaRice, received the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for GSS for his outstanding support to AfricaRice translation service, strong commitment, trustworthiness, sense of responsibility and hard work.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky handed over the 2019 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners in the presence of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees and staff members.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award for 2018
The annual award, which has been instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky, is conferred on the most outstanding Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) and the most outstanding General Support Staff (GSS), who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made extraordinary contributions to rice research, training and research support.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky was invited to hand over the 2018 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Citation for Dr Khady Nani Drame, IRS Laureate of the AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award 2018
It is my pleasure to read the citation for the Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) laureate of the Carsky Award for 2018, Dr. Khady Nani Dramé, better known to all of us as, Nani. The committee of the Carsky award has decided to bestow the IRS Carsky Award to Dr Dramé in recognition of her outstanding contributions to rice research in Africa and her commitment to AfricaRice in its efforts to boost rice self-sufficiency in the continent. Nani has been associated with AfricaRice for 11 years.
With this award, the committee has recognized not only the quality of the research undertaken by Nani, which is shown in a range of very good publications but also her leadership and communications skills to show the progress in rice research conducted at AfricaRice and to attract attention from the international rice research community and donors. I would like to illustrate this by a few examples.
At the 14th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG 2016), Nani was a keynote speaker at the inception of the symposium and gave a compelling speech on research at AfricaRice. I know since then the attention she gives to details and the care she takes in preparing her presentations. Soon after the session at the symposium, I was approached by the organizers and asked to nominate her to join the scientific committee as a representative of Africa in the next symposium. We thank her for being one of our strong ambassadors.
Nani enjoys science and molecular biology, and is always ready to discuss informally about research approaches for rice improvement – even sometimes in the hallways. It is stimulating, generates innovative ideas and raises staff morale. She is also a good science mentor and has coached several students when she led the biotechnology laboratory in Tanzania.
She recently took a new turn in her career by involving herself in refreshing our Center’s strategy in capacity building. She is instrumental in seeking opportunities for funding new partnerships in capacity building, such as with the FAO South-South collaboration or with colleagues in USA or IRD (France) in support of rice partners in Africa.
Finally, she continues to keep up her interest in research and provides guidance as the AfricaRice focal point for Flagship4 on ‘Global Rice Array’ of the ‘CGIAR Research Program on Rice Agri-food Systems (RICE CRP). In fact, she is just returning from a meeting relating to the CRP in Montpellier.
Dr Etienne Duveiller
Deputy Director General and Director of Research for Development
April 11, 2018

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Présentation des récipiendaires du Prix Robert J. Carsky 2018 dans la catégorie GSS
Les trois membres du personnel de la maison d'hôtes à Bouaké, M. Joanny Zigani, cuisinier, M. Pierre Batiebé, aide-cuisinier, et Moussa Koné, agent d’entretien, travaillent pour AfricaRice depuis plus de vingt ans. Leurs journées sont longues, commençant généralement à partir de six heures du matin, avec la préparation du petit-déjeuner pour les invités et se terminent à 8 heures du soir, la vaisselle finie après le dîner. Et cela, sept jours sur sept. Jo, Pierre et Moussa sont connus pour leur amabilité, leur dévouement et leur serviabilité. Ils ne se plaignent jamais et sont toujours joyeux. Chaque demande des invités est traitée rapidement et efficacement. Tous les collègues, les membres du Conseil d'administration et les visiteurs séjournant au Guest House se sentent chez eux grâce à l’accueil et aux petites attentions de nos trois collègues.
Mais ce n'est pas la qualité du service ou les longues heures de travail qui font d'eux les lauréats du Prix Carsky 2018. C'est plutôt, le sacrifice et le dévouement exceptionnels dont ils ont fait preuve pendant la guerre civile, et surtout pendant les moments difficiles en 2002 et encore en 2004, et cela, nous ne devons jamais l’oublier.
Pendant la crise de 2002, plus précisément du 18 septembre au 26 septembre, ils ont servi les invités de divers calibres (un membre du Conseil d'administration, un chercheur invité des NARS, des consultants, des étudiants, et bien sûr des nouveaux membres du personnel et leurs familles). Fidèles à eux-mêmes – alors que les combats faisaient rage devant la maison d'hôtes, et que des balles perdues pénétraient dans le bâtiment, sans électricité, sans eau, sans téléphone et sans réseau GSM, tout était coupé – Jo, Pierre et Moussa arrivaient à faire les courses et à préparer les repas trois fois par jour, nettoyaient les chambres et s'assuraient que tout le monde s'occupe. Chaque jour, ils arrivaient avant l'aube et repartaient après le coucher du soleil, ce qui était extrêmement dangereux, car il y avait un couvre-feu. Malgré tout, ils ont veillé à ce que les invités ne souffrent pas de la situation, et ils ont risqué leurs vies en défiant le couvre-feu.
Pendant la crise de 2004, du 4 novembre au 6 novembre, la situation était encore pire qu'en 2002, car cette fois l’infanterie avait été rejointe par l'armée de l'air qui bombardait Bouaké. La maison d’hôte était bondée de collègues récemment transférés de Bamako, dont notre regretté collègue Bob Carsky. La maison d'hôtes a également servi de refuge pour les membres du personnel qui avaient quitté leurs maisons parce que l'eau et l'électricité y avaient été coupées à nouveau. En fait, le personnel du Guest House transmettait aux collègues, qui vivaient encore dans leurs maisons à Bouaké, les messages envoyés par Bob qui séjournait au Guest House. Encore une fois, nos trois valeureux collègues n’hésitèrent pas à mettre leurs vies en danger.
En bref, le personnel du Guest House a fait tellement plus que ce que l'on pouvait raisonnablement attendre d'un collègue. Pour ce don de soi exemplaire, nous décernons à Jo, à Pierre et à Moussa, le Prix Robert Carsky 2018.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
The annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky, is conferred on the most outstanding General Support Staff and the most outstanding Internationally Recruited Staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made extraordinary contributions to rice research, training and research support.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky was invited to hand over the 2017 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners. She also unveiled a plaque at the AfricaRice Library, dedicating the building to the memory of Dr Robert Carsky.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
AfricaRice Director of Strategic Partnerships Dr Samuel Bruce-Oliver announced the winner in the General Support Staff (GSS) category at the 41st Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé Research Station, Côte d’Ivoire, from 10-13 April 2017.
Ms Maimouna Diatta, AfricaRice French Translator-Editor, received the 2017 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award on 13 April at the 41st Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé Research Station, Côte d’Ivoire.
Ms Diatta was honored for her dedicated service and commitment to excellence.
The annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky, is conferred on the most outstanding General Support Staff and the most outstanding Internationally Recruited Staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made extraordinary contributions to rice research, training and research support.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky was invited to hand over the 2017 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
AfricaRice Deputy Director General Dr Etienne Duveiller announced the winner in the Internationally Recruited Staff (IRS) category at the 41st Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé Research Station, Côte d’Ivoire, from 10-13 April 2017.
Dr Jonne Rodenburg, Agronomist, received the 2017 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award on 13 April at the 41st Meeting of the AfricaRice Board of Trustees, M’bé Research Station, Côte d’Ivoire.
He was selected for his outstanding contributions to work on weed management in rice in Africa, strong publication record, support to resource mobilization, partnerships and outreach.
The annual award, which was instituted by AfricaRice in honor of the late Dr Robert Carsky, is conferred on the most outstanding General Support Staff and the most outstanding Internationally Recruited Staff, who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and made extraordinary contributions to rice research, training and research support.
Mrs Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky was invited to hand over the 2017 AfricaRice Dr Robert Carsky Award to the winners.