
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Adding value to Africa’s rice
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
In Africa, both the quantity and quality of rice suffer huge losses, especially during postharvest operations.
Until recently, R&D thrusts in Africa have focused mainly on how to increase rice production but relatively less on how to improve the quality of rice.
However, Africa’s rice sector is now more aware that producing just more rice is not enough and that quality—as well as quantity—is essential. To be competitive, Africa’s rice sector needs to make rice quality and marketing important.
Rising to the challenge, Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) and AfricaRice, in partnership with McGill University, are spearheading an ambitious project on food security in Africa with a focus on rice postharvest handling and marketing.
The project is helping actors along the value chain add value to rice, the project is helping raise income, improve rice quality, and expand the market for locally produced rice products.