Friday Feb 09, 2018
Dr Ladda Viriyangkura on Rice Value Chain Management in Thailand
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Dr Ladda Viriyangkura, Expert on Rice Inspection and Certification, Rice Department, Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives, Thailand presented "Rice Value Chain Management in Thailand" during the “Consultation workshop on comparative rice competitiveness: lessons learnt on successful development of rice value chains in Asia for West Africa”, 29 Jan – 1 Feb 2018, AfricaRice, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
More than 55 participants, mainly from Africa and Asia, attended a “Consultation workshop on comparative rice competitiveness: lessons learnt on successful development of rice value chains in Asia for West Africa”, 29 Jan – 1 Feb 2018, AfricaRice, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The workshop was jointly organized by AfricaRice, the World Bank and CORAF/WECARD.
The main objective of the workshop was to improve the suitability and relevance of guiding principles drawn from a World Bank-commissioned study of Asian countries for the development of effective and efficient rice value chains in West Africa.
Participants included key stakeholders active in rice value chains, representatives from governments of selected countries, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, development partners, the donor community, financial institutions and research organizations.